About the Project
Project Name
Buford Creek
SR129 from MP.88 to MP.93 in Asotin County
Year Completed
Contact Info
(208) 476-3617
Contact Via Email
217 College Ave. Suite #5
Orofino, ID 83544
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Buford Creek
The Buford Creek project consisted of improving the fish passage from Buford Creek to the Grande Ronde River. Buford Creek flows directly into Grande Ronde River and provides critical habitat and passage for fish such as steelhead and trout. The primary passage issues were related to excessive slope, velocity, water depth, and drop height. Reconstruction of this passage benefits all stages of fish life.
The requirements of the project were to remove the existing culvert and replace it with a bottomless steel plate arch. The remote location, the large amount of fill, and lack of traffic detour options required a creative design approach to ensure that the Nez Perce Tribe's goal of improving fish passage and natural stream processes in the project reach were met while also adhering to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington State Department of Transportation’s policies, procedures, and expectations.