About the Project
Project Name
Nez Perce Clearwater Repairs
Nez Perce‐Clearwater National Forest in the state of Idaho
Year Completed
In Progress
Contact Info
(208) 476-3617
Contact Via Email
217 College Ave. Suite #5
Orofino, ID 83544
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest
The Nez Perce National Forest and the Clearwater National Forest will have a total of 17 Forest Service road repairs this year. Work is expected to begin as winter thaw permits. Surveying will begin soon on FSR 426 and FSR 5503, with construction activity at these locations expected to start May 3rd.
The 5503 Swan Creek road is currently closed for public safety. The 426 Bridge Creek road currently has a seasonal closure, which will be extended during road construction work.
All designated sites will be resurfaced and rebuilt where washouts have occurred. This may include new drainage, retraining walls, rock embankments, or reinforced soil slopes.
Recent investigation of initial locations was made by Debco Construction.
Construction Activities & Upcoming Work
9/10/21 UPDATE:
FSR 319 MP 3.5 (Fog Mountain)
FSR 443 MP 28/MP 30 (Falls Point)
FSR 426 MP 0.5 and MP 2.7 (Bridge Creek) sites are on hold
FSR 470 Swiftwater
FSR 246 MP 14.6 in the North Fork area
FSR 700 MP 8.8 in the North Fork area
FSR 710 MP 1.8-1.9 in the North Fork area
FSR 247 MP 17 Beaver Creek material site activity
FSR 660 MP 2.15-2.4 begin work next week
FSR 250 MP 5.5
Caution: Hydroseeding on these sites will be occurring starting Sept 15th, with traffic delays likely. All people on foot or motorized vehicles of any sort, on/with horses, please observe all Road Closure barricades as they are indicating hazardous conditions.
- Bridge Creek Road FSR 426, closed for 6.3 miles at FSR 101
- FSR 5503 Swan Creek road is closed for public safety.
- FSR 246 starting at MP 13
- FSR 660
- FSR 700 Smith Ridge at the junction of FSR 705 to FSR 4800
- FSR 710 South Skull Creek at FSR 252 to FSR 74051
The Nez Perce National Forest and the Clearwater National Forest will have a total of 17 Forest Service road repairs this year. All designated sites will be rebuilt and resurfaced where washouts have occurred. This may include new drainage, retaining walls, rock embankments, or reinforced soil slopes.